Your new Manhattan Beach Farmers' Market team is excited to bring new energy to the market. Read all about it (and us) below. If you have questions or comments, please share! You can reach us at
Newsletters will come out about once a month but you can get more timely info by following us on Facebook.
Cynthia Rogers & Mark Anderson |
Did you know? The market has a new management team. Come on out and meet us any given
Tuesday. We, 'Farmer Mark' Anderson and Cynthia
Rogers, are proud to be managing the market on behalf of its sponsor, the Downtown Manhattan Beach Business and Professionals Association. Yes, the market is sponsored by your local businesses, which makes it a market built by locals for the benefit of locals! Although new managers to your market, we certainly aren't new to farmers' markets. Our team offers a vast knowledge of the farmers' market arena with Mark having actually been a former small farmer that sold at numerous markets around town, including this market a handful of years ago. Perhaps you purchased one of his heirloom tomatoes at one time? We also manage several other markets around town on behalf of the non-profit, Sprouts of Promise Foundation, which has a mission to educate children and adults alike on the importance of
healthy eating habits. We are excited to be here and promise to bring you,
the consumer, the very best in locally sourced farm to plate fruits and
Teddy Bliss (organic grower) |
Fruit of the Gods! Farmer Teddy Bliss exclaimed when I asked about his certified organic avocados. Ancient legend or not, it's undeniable that his Haas Avocados are absolutely delicious offering a smooth buttery flavor rich with texture and packed with omegas, offering a higher oil content than most avocados. Ripe for the picking year around, Teddy will be offering an array of avocados brought direct to you from his family farm in Carpinteria, a 120 acre farm just three miles off the California Central Coast. As Teddy explains, the farm is uniquely located, being just off the coast and in a valley where his avocados have the good fortune to never get too hot nor too cold, simply it’s a perfect micro climate. What does that mean for us farmer market patrons? It means, we get beautiful certified organic avocados year around, perfecto! To learn more about Bliss Avocados, check out their facebook page, Bliss Avocados.
Also, to learn more on the health benefits and why nutritionists have been known to call the Avocado the "world's most perfect food," check out this article which showcases this leathery pear for providing nearly 20 essential nutrients, being high in fiber, cholesterol-free and lauds this fruit as the secret to having a healthy heart, a brilliant brain, and if that's not enough - eagle eyes! Avocados - Health Benefits.
Join us for the first Kids in the Kitchen Cooking Demo at the market. Nutritionist coach, Sarah Beck, will showcase a range of farm-to-table fruits and vegetables in simple recipes that adults and children alike can share in the good fun of cooking hands-on. All ingredients being fresh from your farmers' market. Kids in the Kitchen is a program brought to you by Sprouts of Promise (the non-profit behind managing of your farmers' market). This program is uniquely tailored to be both fun and educational as it aims in furthering its mission to teach healthy eating habits, which we believe begins with the little ones! While you the adults get to look on and sample the delectable range of eats, your little ones will be side by side working with Nutritionist coach Sarah Beck - building a whole medley of farm to table eats. Come hungry and energized. Demo starts at high noon, 12 pm. Catch you all then!
To learn more about Nutritionist and Fitness coach Sarah Beck, check out her website as well as her Ambassador page at the Lululemon Athletica's Website.
Jayne Justice, Nutritionist |
We're kicking off a new program called Nutritionist 2 Farmer on October 23rd. Come on out and meet your local nutritionist, Jayne Justice. She will be on-hand all day to introduce you to the nutritional benefits of eating fresh fruits and vegetable sourced directly from your local farmer. And, more still, she will be introducing you directly to the farmer with delicious farm-to-table recipes. Sure to be good fun, educational and inspiring. To learn more about Jayne, check out her website and facebook page.
Learn how to quickly and easily eat locally and nutritiously with the great recipe. With Teddy Bliss' fresh organic Haas Avocados, Arnett Farm's medley of peach varieties, MB Farms' almonds, ABC Farms micro greens and the wonderful range of oils from Olive Press you prepare an amazingly simple yet sophisticated salad great for a lunch time snack or to serve with dinner. Here's a link to the recipe, along with options to print out in recipe card format, Peach & Avocado Salad.
Interested in learning about the local food system, where your food comes from or how to eat healthy? You can by becoming a volunteer at the market. By volunteering, you'll get to know our farmers, learn about their produce and help them share it with the local community. We will give you a bag of fresh fruits & veggies as our way of saying thank you. Email us at or stop by the Information Booth at the market if interested.
See you Tuesday!